How to delete the browser back history from a Firefox tab?

I enjoy using Firefox as my personal browser because of how their pinned tabs work compared to others browsers.

I’ve been looking for a simpler way to clear the back history of a pinned tab when it gets a little long and have no more benefit remaining.

Strangely, I haven’t been able to find a simpler method.

What I do now is:

  1. Go to the pinned tab I want to clear the back history for.
  2. Alt+D to highlight the address bar.
  3. Alt+Enter to open the link in a new tab. This will create a new tab with no history.
  4. Middle click the pinned tab to close it.
  5. Pin the new tab that was opened.

It’s a bit of a chore to go through this from time to time, but it works for now until I find a more efficient solution.

How to block “sign in with Google” popups on other websites

Boy have these popups gotten annoying. I have no interest in logging in with my google account. What’s worse is that if you are not logged into Google at all, these popups return even if you go through the trouble of disabling them in your Google Account Settings.

To get rid of them for good, I had to block them using content blockers.

For example, users of uBlock Origin can add the following line to their custom filter to block the popup:


I can finally browse websites in peace!

Selecting a CSS class with XPath

While looking for a way to select a CSS class with XPath in a reliable way. I came across many solutions, and while they felt obvious, they were flawed as well. So lets start with the most reliable way I found so far.

How do you do this in XPath?

XPath doesn’t have a native equivalent of a CSS class selector. Where .className will select any element that has the class className. The closest equivalent is:

//*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " className ")]

The function normalize-space strips leading and trailing whitespace and also replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space.

Similiarly it is equivalent to the CSS selector:


which will match any element whose class attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to className.

The obvious but wrong ways to do it

The XPath selector:


doesn’t work because it won’t match an element that has more than one class, for example

<div class="className anotherClassName">

It also won’t match if there is any extra whitespace around the class name:

<div class=" className  ">

The ‘improved’ XPath selector:

//*[contains(@class, "className")]

doesn’t work either because it wrongly matches elements with the class classNameTwo, for example:

<div class="classNameTwo">

How to remove the Category Base from WordPress paths

Every now and then I get asked how to get rid of the “category” base from their WordPress URL so that becomes

The Simple Solution

Luckily, there’s a plugin that can do this for you named FV Top Level Categories with no hassles or settings to mess with. Just install, activate and you’re good to go.

Glutton for Punishment?

You can also achieve the same thing with no plugin too.

The trick to removing the category base is to go to Settings > Permalinks and set the following:

  1. Custom Structure to /%category%/%postname%/
  2. Category base to .

The Problem

Everything seems to work until you try to go to page two of your Category archives and it takes you to a 404 page not found error.

Now, that sucks. What’s happening here is that /page/2 is conflicting with the custom permalink structure.

How do I fix it?

First, when you investigate the request, you find that there is an additional key of ‘name’ in the query that is not present with a normal paged archive. So one method to go about this is to remove the offending key before WordPress tries to process the request.

You can do this by adding the following code to your functions.php of your theme:

function mytheme_request($query_string ) {
  if( isset( $query_string['page'] ) ) {
    if( !empty($query_string['page']) ) {
      if( isset( $query_string['name'] ) ) {
        unset( $query_string['name'] );
  return $query_string;
add_filter('request', 'mytheme_request');

Not quite there

When you test the code, you will find that you no longer get a 404 error. Great! But hold on, you will now notice that the paging takes you back to the first page over and over again.

What’s happening here is that the page number is not being provided to the WordPress query. So in the follow code snippet, we will take the page number from the path and set it in the WordPress query.

function mytheme_pre_get_posts( $query ) {
  if( $query->is_main_query() && !$query->is_feed() && !is_admin() ) {
    $query->set( 'paged', str_replace( '/', '', get_query_var( 'page' ) ) );

Again, add this code to your functions.php and then try it out.

Viola! You’re Now Set

Not impressed? Or just feeling lazy? I’m surprised you made it this far then. If you missed it, there is also a plugin available that helps you remove the category base with no fuss.

Drupal 7.14 Crashes Apache Server on a Windows Environment

I have experienced rare cases when visiting a particular URL where the Apache Server crashes on a fresh installation of Drupal 7.14 running WAMP on Windows XP or 7.

The common solution was to open the file causing the problem and re-save it. However, this did not explain why it was happening. Fortunately, I was able to consistently reproduce this problem when I installed the Internationalization module and visited admin/config/regional/language which would result in Apache crashing.

This information finally lead me to

What I learned was it is actually a PHP 5.3.10 bug that triggers when processing include/require files with sizes that are exact multiples of 4096 bytes and causes PHP to segfault (!).

The reason why re-saving the files worked is because the line feeds in the file are re-formatted from \n (unix style) to \r\n (windows style) which changes the files size from the problematic value of 53248 (exactly 52 KB).

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