How to enable libcurl in WAMP

Having developed mostly in a MAMP environment, I have taken many things for granted. Today, while working with WAMP, I was pleasantly surprised by a “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init()”.

It took a few extra steps to get cURL working. WAMP comes preinstalled with many extensions, including cURL, but for some reason many are not enabled by default and enabling php_curl from within the WAMP menu did not solve my problem.

How to enable libcurl in WAMP

  1. Find and open c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6\php.ini
  2. Uncomment ;extension=php_curl.dll
  3. Do the same for c\:wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\bin\php.ini
  4. Restart WAMP and happy coding.
Still not working? A good place to start is check if Apache is loading the extension. Open both php.ini and make sure extension_dir is pointing to c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.6\ext

How to import a large SQL dump into WAMP

Recently I had to import a 3GB database into a local Drupal installation using WAMP in a Windows XP environment. The following method I found has consistently performed and requires very minimal setup.

All you need are:

  1. Access to command line (DOS), and
  2. WAMP
Note: the following examples assumes you have WAMP installed in c:\wamp and your SQL dump is in c:\dump
  1. First, launch command prompt via All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt.
  2. Then run the MySQL command below to connect to your specified database:C:\> c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.16\bin\mysql.exe -use databasename –u username -p password
  3. Lastly, run the following:mysql> source c:\dump\my_database_dump.sql

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